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Dec 24, 2013

Endo of year/season special. Cheyney joins me live in the studio to talk a load of old guff and look back at some of the films and music of the year. Thanks to everyone for tuning in or downloading over the last 13 weeks, it means a lot. X

Dec 23, 2013

All of the 80's in one show as I finally get a chance to give you my list of the better films from that torrid decade. 

Dec 10, 2013

Time budgie smugglers hit 1989 and the decade ends with a bang..

Dec 4, 2013

More of the old guff you've come to love even if you don't respect it. Don't worry it'll be over soon. 

Nov 26, 2013

Time socks roll up in 1987, Vampire Weekend, Julia Holter, The Right Stuff. What more do you want?